As a BtoC data broker and expert in customer knowledge, DBC assists you in developing your French prospecting strategy.
As a BtoC data broker and expert in customer knowledge, DBC assists you in developing your French prospecting strategy.
For profitable prospecting campaigns results, we offer the rental and sale of files (or databases) by sector.
Whatever the prospective solution (e-mailing, mailing, phoning), we assist you in the steps of defining and implementing a successful BtoC prospecting strategy, consistent with your development objectives.
BtoC’s prospecting presents the specificity of addressing individuals directly. BtoC sales process, as well as the purchase decision, will be motivated by emotion, with consumers wanting to quickly dispose of products and services. Thus, to reach the heart of your target during your BtoC prospecting campaigns, your communications will need to be targeted and personalised.
The DBC team advises you and assists you in the development and operational implementation of your French BtoC prospection strategy.
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